Need Room and Board Support - Off Campus

$50.00 "Monthly" Donation

Support College Student: Roland Johnson

Scholarship Category: Room & Board

  • School: Claremont McKenna College
  • Major: Political Science
  • Class: Junior
My story is simple. I do have a part time job at the local Dollar store not to far from campus as a cashier. However, along with other regular expenses, I find myself always struggling to to come up with the full rent each month. Potential Donors - I'm only asking for a minimal support. My current rent is $400 a month. Any little bit helps. However, if you would be so gracious as to donate at least $50 per month, this would help me to continue to thrive and stay focused on my education instead of having to figure out where my next rent payment is coming from.

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Dec 08, 2022 Roland Johnson