November 20, 2022
Make the Most of Your Social Media
1. Dynamic Photos and Videos Will Tell Your Story
Your family and friends may know that you are an amazing individual. But if you are trying to reach potential Donors beyond your family and friend circle, you want to make sure that they know who you are and understand your story personally.
Choose photos that are dynamic and really show the college student that you are. They can be photos of you personally or photos related to your Scholarship category. Now, a picture is worth a thousand words but if you also add a video, your Donors can gain an even better understanding of your scholarship goals. You can use a video to simply talk to your Donors and potential Donors about your Scholarships or you can create a video that shows your campus and college life or your Scholarship category. For instance, if you are seeking Gifts towards your semester study abroad, create a video about the country and program where you will be studying.
2. Know Your Audience
Ideally, your Donors will be all ages and in all stages of life, right? Well, most younger Donors may have social media accounts with e.g., TikTok or Instagram. At the same time, older Donors utilize Facebook at much higher levels than younger social media users.
Therefore, remember that when you want to increase the chances of Gifts to your Scholarships, you want to post on as many social media outlets as possible.
Also remember that you can share your link via text message and ask your family and friends to share on their social media outlets, especially if you do not have accounts on all social media outlets.
3. Create Your Stand-out Post
Remember to use your social media outlets for what they are best known for. For example, the most dynamic TikTok posts are dynamic videos with movement and catchy songs. Use these tools to your advantage.
Also, remember your hashtags. These are super important across all social media outlets. And definitely ALWAYS hashtag Dormoney!
Finally, note that some social media outlets do not allow links in your posts so remember to put your link in your profile bio on your social media.
4. Post On Your Page
Now you are ready to post on your social media outlets. Using the tips above, you should now have a dynamic post that not only will receive the attention you want from family and friends but also be worthy of people sharing with their networks.
Always remember to thank your generous Donors when they donate to your Scholarships.
5. Advertise Options
Now, if you really, really want to boost the exposure of your Scholarships, you can advertise on the various social media outlets. Please note, there are costs associated with this although some can be very inexpensive. These costs are the sole responsibility of you, the Student, and not Dormoney.
If you wish to advertise your Scholarships, make sure you check out the rules and requirements of the social media outlet for which you wish to advertise, e.g. photos or songs that are under copyright, etc.
Any advertising that you, the Student, decide to do with any social media outlet or any other entity is not in association with Dormoney.
Dormoney's Additional Tips and Tricks
For additional tips and tricks for your Dormoney Profile, Scholarships and overall account, click here to access the Dormoney Help Center or click here to see how Dormoney Works.
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